College after college have told students that getting that college diploma is supposed to be the ticket to the good life. Politicians have been saying it too. Many students have been promised that a college education will get you a job. Lots of people are misinformed and are lead down this path of needing to go to college to get a good job. The college diploma is the new high school diploma. The Bachelor's Degree, it's become America's most overrated product. When our parents had bachelor's degrees it was a big deal. Today it's a hunting license for a job. On an average many successful college students would have been successful whether they went to college or not.
Think twice when taking on debt for college. College is a good thing for kids who have the grades for being doctors and lawyers but others should reassess the value of a generic Bachelor's Degree. A degree from a college determines how successful you are? I don't think so. It's often smarter to acquire specific marketable skills at a community college, a technical school or work as an apprentice for some business. That seems to make you more employable. Vocational school pays off for many. Electricians make an average $48k a year, a plumber $47k. That's more than the average American earns! But some people look down on vocational schools. It's just a fact that a degree from a four year college is considered first class and a vocational school degree is not. We are such a status driven society in American. Is your debt worth the status? Is your Bachelor's Degree giving you a ticket to the good life?
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