Friday, June 15, 2012


It's a hard thing - patience.  But when something means enough to you, whether you're waiting to regain your past or start your future, patience is critical.  So what, in your life, is worth waiting for?

They say patience is a virtue and like most virtues, we never now if we possess it until it's been tested.  If we're lucky, we have someone to take that test with us and if we can pass that test, if we can wait long enough, we just might find the reward greater than we ever expected.

The funny thing about waiting is it always seems the more we want something the longer we have to wait for it.  Deciding to wait out the long haul shouldn't be taken lightly, but it's an easier decision to live with than others.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth, at least that's what they say.  He created the birds of the air and the beasts of the field and he looked at this creation and he saw that it was good.  And then God created man and it's been downhill ever since.  The story goes on to say that God created man in his own image but there's not much proof of that.  After all, God made the sun, the moon and the stars and all man makes is trouble...and when man finds himself in trouble, which is most of the time, he turns to something bigger than himself to love or fate or religion to make sense of it all.  Bitter?  No.  Confused?  When it comes to man, absofuckinglutely.  And man says they don't understand woman?